Eyesalve: Body Ministry

By August 30, 2017Eyesalve

“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.” I Corinthians 12:8


Each one of you have value and add something to the body of Christ. Though it isn’t a common practice in the church these days, we have what we call body ministry time in our church service. It is a time for those who have a word, revelation, encouragement and even a reproof for the body to be able to speak up for the Lord. From my experience of being a pastor for over 15 years I can tell you that there is a risk to opening up a church service for such a time as body ministry because people can speak in the flesh. I want to say though that it is worth the risk. For the body of Christ to ever function as she should it takes participation from the body. So saint of God, don’t put pressure on your pastor to open up the service for a time of body ministry. Instead, seek God, attend church full of love. If the majority of the body will do this it can open your pastor’s heart to have confidence in the body to minister to each other under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Terry Fischer

About Terry Fischer

Terry Fischer has been the Pastor of The Church in Wisconsin since January of 2002. He has a heart to see the remnant church experience a greater revelation of Christ and to minister to our generation with a demonstration of Spirit and power.