

Eyesalve: The Anointing #3

By | Eyesalve

“Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God;” II Cor. 1:21

There are those that have turned the anointing into fanaticism. They make the anointing out to be something it isn’t. They say the false signs and wonders they do are from the anointing of God. Therefore, many Christians have grown so fearful about the anointing that they would just as soon not talk about it. That is exactly what the devil wants. You can be sure if there is the fake there is the real. Don’t let the false talk you out of the real. The Christian that is anointed is who the devil fears the most.

Eyesalve: The Anointing #2

By | Eyesalve

“Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God;” II Cor. 1:21

Some Christians, flat out, just don’t believe there really is an anointing that is of the supernatural realm. We here in America have gotten so accustomed to being a self-sufficient people that we have become skeptics of our God’s supernatural power. When Christians get back to depending on God, then the anointing will be there.

Eyesalve: The Anointing

By | Eyesalve

“Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God;” II Cor. 1:21

Without the anointing we cannot be effective for the Kingdom of God, yet it seems so many Christians lack this anointing. Why is that? Over the next 5 days I will give some reasons why there is a lack of anointed Christians.

Here is #1
Too often, men’s abilities and achievements are mistaken for God’s anointing. Therefore, many Christians think they are anointed because they have graduated Bible College, or have great natural abilities and talents. Our generation has forgotten that the anointing is something that comes from God and is given to all that ask for it. The anointing comes with that baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. The anointing doesn’t make us smarter or more talented, it makes what we say and do more powerful. We all need the anointing from God if we are going to be effective for His kingdom