

Eyesalve: Not 99 Percent

By | Eyesalve

Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. 27For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.” Acts 20:26-27

Paul was pure from the blood of all men. The main reason is that he preached the whole counsel of God. The seeker sensitive preachers of our day that preach what the people want to hear will not stand before God and be able to say that they are pure from the blood of men. To bring this to a more personal level, do you believe and live the whole counsel of God. Do you believe the whole bible? Do you believe it is all for today? You may believe 99 percent of it is today, but that is not the WHOLE counsel.

Believe The Whole Book

By | Articles

“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation” 22:18-19

We believers, can have a rather proud attitude sometimes when we proclaim that we believe the whole bible. We can talk as if we are so grounded and unmovable when it comes to the entire word of God, but saying you believe something is not proof of actual belief. It is a very disturbing thing to have millions of Christians, including whole denominations insisting that they believe the whole bible, yet there seems to be a thousand differing and divisive beliefs that they all claim the bible teaches. How is it that Christians, who all have the same book, and claim it is their final authority, are so divided? Well, it isn’t the fault of God’s word; the problem lies with man.

Because our human nature hates correction and self-denial, it isn’t hard to understand why man at times will resist the bible and even teach the scriptures in a way that accommodates the lifestyle of man. There are those who water down scripture and even teach a false view of scriptures for convenience sake. Those who do that are called false teachers. They do this for a variety of reasons. Some do it to justify their sinful life style, some do it to form their own brand of religion, some do it to please man and some do it to scare or rule over people. Some will try to make the scriptures say less than they do, while some try to make them say more than they do. I have often said, “The bible has enough rules already without someone adding more to it.” Whatever the motive is, it is of the highest offense against the kingdom of God to carelessly and falsely handle the word of God.

I want to address something of great concern, which has to do with this subject of mishandling the word of God. What makes it such a great concern is that this mishandling that I am going to talk about is widely accepted in the Christian church. Since it is so accepted, few see the danger of this violation. What I am talking about is what we all agree is forbidden to do, and that is, “take away from the words of this book.” No, it isn’t that a publisher has printed bibles with some of the words missing, it is that some of the words and verses have been marked as obsolete by some of the most popular bible teachers of our day.

I can give you two strong examples of what I am talking about. The first example has to do with the ministry. Let’s look at Ephesians 4:11-13. “And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:” You can see that I highlighted the words, “till we all come.” This simply means that there is a time that we will no longer need, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, but now is not the time. The time is when we all come into “the measure of the stature of the fullness in Christ.” Kind of sounds like heaven to me. Have any of you come to be a “perfect man?” If so, has the rest of your brethren? If not, then you still need ministers in your life. Has the church come into “the unity of the faith?” This is highly unlikely, since we have hundreds of denominations and different doctrines that separate us. It is plain to see that we need ministers in our life. Well, you may say, I believe we have pastors and teachers, others may say, we have pastors, teachers and evangelists. I will not disagree with them, but we also have prophets and apostles. However, we have those today that say we no longer have prophets or apostles, and that they died off in the first century. Just because we don’t have men anymore that can pen us scripture does not mean that we don’t have apostles in our day. I think some of the problem is that we over spiritualize the office of an apostle. Apostles were simple men like you and me that God used to establish and oversee the body of Christ. We still need that done today. Therefore we still need apostles.

Another example is the gifts of the Spirit. It is amazing to me how widely accepted it is that some of the gifts aren’t for day. The spiritual gift that is most commonly refuted is “speaking in tongues,” but it doesn’t stop there. I know of Christians that don’t believe that divine healing is for today. When I first heard that as a young believer, I just shook my head in disbelief. I have come to find out that this teaching is more widely accepted than I thought. All I can say is that Jesus said, “let it be done according to your faith.” If you don’t believe in speaking in tongues, you aren’t going to receive the gift. If you don’t believe in divine healing, you are never going to pray for someone to be healed.

The thing that is the most disheartening about the claim that not all of the gifts are for today is the desperate attempt to find scriptures to support that belief. One of the more common scriptures is I Corinthians 13:8-9. You would never come to the conclusion that this scripture is telling us these three gifts, “prophesies,” “tongues” and “knowledge” will cease during this church age. The bible experts that believe that, violate the principles of bible study by not reading that passage in context and not reading the verses around it. In fact, just read verse 10 and it will clear up the whole passage. The “perfect” that verse ten is talking about is obvious, it is heaven, and it is our completeness in Christ.

So we have prominent teachers and church leaders that tell the church that there are no longer apostles or prophets today. They tell us that some of the gifts have ceased, but there seems to be confusion and disagreement about which gifts have ceased. So I end this article with this immensely important question: Who has such authority today to tell us what offices and gifts are not for today? Who has the authority to make the final decision for all of us on these matters? Simple respect for God’s word tells us that the safest ground to be on is to just believe it all for today. Do you really want to get into trying to pick and choose what is for today and what isn’t? I don’t know about you, but the scares me to death.

“But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

“But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” (I Peter 1:25)

Know Christ, Know Doctrine

By | Articles

“For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law.” Pro. 4:2

“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” I Tim. 4:13

“But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:” Tit. 2:1

The word doctrine has a simple meaning: It means instruction; and for the Christian, the instruction or doctrine is the word of God.

There was a young man who worked for me over 20 years ago. This man was raised in a Christian home. One day as we were talking, the word “doctrine” came up. He then said to me, “doctrine is of man.” I took a moment to reassure him that doctrine, true doctrine comes from the Bible. I could tell that he developed distaste for doctrine. One reason could be that he may have had men’s doctrine, mixed with biblical doctrine, forced upon him. It could also be because of another issue that I would like to address. That issue? Many hear Christians preaching written doctrine which lacks the power to reveal, what I will call, Living Doctrine; the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes, you can know Bible doctrine very well. You may have it memorized, itemized and categorized so well that you can debate with any high profile theologian, and yet, still end up in hell. How sobering to think that while you are reading this there are multitudes of souls in hell that had all their T’s crossed and their I’s dotted when it came to biblical doctrine.

Another reason that young man who worked with me could have been frustrated with doctrine is because some Christians are so staunch about the doctrine they believe, that they become a very mean spirited people. Unless you see it the way they do and agree with all the doctrines as they have them laid out, they will be very impatient with you and even write you off as a heretic. They lack such grace and patience toward other believers and criticize them for making the tiniest little doctrinal mistake. Don’t get me wrong, I think bible doctrine is of the utmost importance, but knowing doctrine, without knowing the living Christ, is as vain as anything else in this world. In fact, it could be more deceptive than just being out in the world, stumbling around in darkness. If you are in darkness there is a hope that you recognize your need for Jesus, the light of the world. However, if a person is not saved, but they have a good handle on bible doctrine, it could deceive them into thinking they are saved and blind them to their need of a Savior. My mentor used to say, “It was easier to get a man saved in a bar then it is to get him saved in a dead church.” At least in the bar a man can know he is lost. If an unsaved person is all puffed up in their knowledge of the bible, they are in a very dangerous position. The Lord resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. No doubt, there are many people who think they are saved because they know bible doctrine so well. Some know it better than some Christians do. However, if you are born again, if you know Christ, then you know doctrine. The author of it is living in you. Knowing doctrine however, does not mean that you know Christ. Just like if you love God you will love man, but loving man does not necessarily mean that you love God. If a person comes to know Christ, they may not yet know their bible too well, and may not be able to write specific doctrines down on paper or barely speak about them, but they will know doctrine simply because it is implanted in their heart.

Some years ago, a young man in our church, led one of his buddies that he went to high school with, to the Lord. His name is Joey. One day, Joey was invited to a bible study by another brother in our church. He went, but the brother who invited him did not show up. So Joey was there by himself amongst several men he didn’t know. Well, these men were advocates of the “once saved, always saved” doctrine. During the study, Joey was hearing things that didn’t sound quite right in the Spirit. He felt the Holy Spirit just told him to remain quiet since he was surrounded by men that had more experience with their bibles then he did. After he left the study and talked to a few brothers from our church, they explained to him about the doctrine they were teaching. How was it that Joey being so new in the word and only in the beginning stages of learning bible doctrine, was sensing what they were telling him was wrong? How was he able to identify false doctrine even though he had not yet known how to rightly divide the word? It was by the Spirit of God, who leads us into all truth. He had the author of all bible doctrine living in him. It was because he knew Christ. The Spirit of God that was in him, revealed that a lie was being presented to him. Thus he rejected what the man had to say. In his spirit, he knew what true doctrine was and what was false. He knew Christ, therefore he knew doctrine.

Our generation of ministers has done a huge disservice to millions of people by somehow letting them think that if they know the bible, if they know doctrine, if they know how to somewhat talk and act like a Christian, then they are therefore saved. People who are really saved have a testimony, they have had a revelation, they are known by their fruit.

For example, take a look at the Apostle Paul. He knew the written word (Old Testament) as well as anyone. Concerning righteousness which is in the law, he said he was perfect. Yet, he was making himself an enemy of God by hunting down God’s children. After Paul had his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, he received a revelation of Christ. He knew who Christ was at that moment and all that doctrine he had in his mind now took on a different light. It was revealed to him that Jesus is the living embodiment of doctrine. That happened in an instant, all because he came to know Christ. He went on to write about half of the New Testament books. We know that he was inspired by the Holy Spirit, but he also could write those epistles because he had doctrine in his heart which came out in the letters he wrote.

In conclusion; saint of God, if you really want to know biblical doctrine well, seek the Lord Jesus Christ. Study Him, and you will think right when it comes to true biblical doctrine. Immediately upon hearing it, you will know what doctrine is true and what doctrine is false.

Eyesalve: Read The WORD

By | Eyesalve

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jn. 1:1

I don’t know if this verse has really been grasped as it should. In simple terms, the word of God, our bibles, and Christ are the same. You cannot separate the two. Of course when we get to heaven there will not be a bible sitting on the right hand of the Father, it will be Jesus, but understand that He is the word in person. The bible is given to us so we can have God in a simple form. The most subtle way that the devil can get you lost and bound again is to distract you from the Word of God. He may even encourage you to read a lot of Christian books or encourage you to participate in what seems to be spiritual labors (an endless list of ministries). You may ask, what is wrong with that? Christian books and ministries have their place in the believer’s life. But here is what can happen. As you get more and more preoccupied with other books and get more involved in spiritual works, it don’t take long and you can start to get comfortable with not reading your bible (not reading your Christ). Then eventually what will happen when you do pick it up to read it, you will lose your ability to understand it for you have lost your sensitivity to the pure word of God. So saint of God, you must always keep the bible in the center of your life for what else will sustain life better than the book of life.

Eyesalve: Believers Overcome Quoters

By | Eyesalve

“And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. 7Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God… Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.” Mt. 4:6-7,10-11

Those that believe the bible will overcome them that just quote the bible.


By | Eyesalve

“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;” Rev. 1:19

The things written in our bible that is yet in our future is more accurate than anything any of us could write about our history.