

Eyesalve: The Resurrection

By | Eyesalve

“And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” I Cor. 15:17

It is true that Jesus nailed our sins to the cross. It is true that we find redemption through His blood. But the cross and the blood alone are not sufficient. There is one more thing of the utmost importance, THE RESURRECTION. The scriptures are clear, if Christ was not raised, then we are all still in our sins. In the blood of Christ we find forgiveness for our sin, but it is in the resurrection that we have victory over our sin. Hallelujah!

We Are In This World

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“I have given them Thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth. As Thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” John. 17:14-18

A half mile down the road from my house is a Muslim Mosque. I remember when they bought the building, it was a Kingdom Hall. The building went from one false religion to another. Anyway, one thing I have noticed about the Muslims is that they do not associate too much with other Americans. They send their children to Islamic schools, and I often see groups of them together at the stores. I rarely see Muslim girls, with the head dress on, hanging around with other girls in their neighborhood. I have even noticed that many Muslims are buying up certain neighborhoods close to their Mosques. The same with the Amish / Mennonite communities. They go through great effort to disconnect from American society. This is understandable that they should be this way. They are trying to preserve their culture, traditions and religious beliefs. The less they mingle with those of other religious beliefs and cultures, the less impact it will have on their people.

I am in hearty agreement that we Christians must be careful who we associate with and who and what we allow into our children’s lives. This world is a dark place, and the darkness is increasing by the day. However, one of the major differences between Christianity and other religious groups is that Christians are the only people that are promised that they can be in this world and not be overcome by it. Instead of being on the run or go in hiding, we can go out into this world and make an impact on its citizens. As other religious groups fear being impressed and demanded upon, to conform to this worlds system, the Christian can walk amongst it with confidence and boldness.

Jesus did not pray for the Father to take us out of this world, He prayed that God would keep us from the evil of this world. We must never go out into this world with the hope we can be satisfied by this worlds delicacies, nor shall we partake in her evil, but be encouraged to know that the devil can do a surprise attack on you with all kinds of evil and yet you can stand strong. You can even do more than stand strong, you can overcome him. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Revelation 12:11) What makes it hard for a believer to overcome in this world is when he loves this present life. If we love not our lives unto death, this world will have no pull on us. You don’t have to fear it.

We are given the ability to overcome this world, we are blessed with peace in the midst of a world filled with tribulation. We can overcome because Jesus overcame this world. “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John. 16:33)

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1John 4:4)

We have more than the ability to be in this world and not be overcome by it, but we are demanded of, by Jesus, to go into this world and make disciples of all nations. John recorded these words of Jesus, “even so have I also sent them into the world.” Jesus sent us into the world, not as lambs to the slaughter, but as bold proclaimers of the gospel of truth. “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Romans 8:37)

Imagine if Jesus went and gathered Himself a few disciples and then went and found a little place in the wilderness to hide out in. Lazarus would have never had his grave clothes removed. Blind Bartimaeus would have remained blind Bartimaeus. The lady with the issue of blood would have never been emboldened to burst through the crowd to get to the hem of Jesus’ garment. The woman from the city, known by all as a sinner, with broken alabaster box in hand, would have never heard those precious words, “thy sins are forgiven.” As long as the devil can keep the church fearing this world, he will not have to deal with the church impacting this world. We’re not lost, the world is; we don’t need to hide, sinners are the ones who hide in darkness.

I don’t advocate that we take young believers and thrust them out into this world. They must sit at the feet of Jesus for a season, so they can grow in the grace of God. However, once they have been grounded, they too must make their presence known in this world. Another very important factor, which is so imperative if the church is going to affect this world; we must be filled with the Spirit. “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;” (Ephesians 5:18)

Jesus would not let His well-trained disciples leave Jerusalem until they received power from on high. When they did receive it, the world couldn’t handle them. Church, we need power from on high if we are going to be true witnesses who can overcome this world. The mistake isn’t letting the church go into this world and witness the evil for themselves, the mistake is in sending them out there without that baptism of power. I used to belong to a religion that had no power, this religion was accepted by the world because it did not confront the world.

Saint of God, understand that you will not be accepted, you’re not supposed to be. “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.” (1John 3:13) Receive the Spirit, become full of God, and then go boldly into this world.

Eyesalve: The Anointing #6

By | Eyesalve

“Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God;” II Cor. 1:21

The anointing is not something someone can receive apart from the Holy Spirit. The anointing is in the person of the Holy Spirit. If He is not present, the anointing is not available. If the Holy Spirit is downplayed, so will be the anointing. Paul preached, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” but he never did it without a “demonstration of Spirit and power.”

The Power of Preaching (Continued)

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“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”  (Rom 1:16)


All the gimmicks, all the techniques and all the productions that we have allowed in the church today have sent a clear message that our generation is ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It seems as though preaching has taken the back seat to the ideas and inventions of men. Confidence has been lost in the preaching of the gospel. There may not be an open confession of shame, but anytime someone tries to cover up or down play something it usually indicates there is shame toward that thing


As I said in last month’s article, preaching is still the chief means to winning souls and strengthening the church. There is a phrase that is quoted in the Old Testament 415 times, this phrase we are all familiar with; it is, “Thus saith the Lord.” Moses was the first to say it. He said it when he went before Pharaoh with his one line sermon, “Let my people go.” There is a big difference between Moses saying to Pharaoh, you better let God’s people go and “Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go.” Many of the prophets after Moses said, “Thus saith the Lord,” because they were doing more than just talking to Israel, they were doing more than just giving them a little exhortation, they were speaking for Almighty God. I remember back in the late nineties hearing it said, “We are not to speak about God but to speak for God.” I thought to myself that would be pretty arrogant of someone, to get up and preach and think they are speaking for God. But, after some thought I realized it must not be any other way. Even a heathen can talk a little about God. I remember doing it before I was ever saved. Real preaching is speaking for God. Not, thus saith me, or here is what I have to say, but this is what God is saying to you right now. This is what makes preaching powerful. It is God talking personally to man through servants that speak for God.


Our pulpits and airwaves are over run with motivational speakers. Man, through his own ability, can move people through the power of speech. Barack Obama won not just one election, but two by his ability to speak what the people want to hear. While the church minimizes preaching, the world continues to use it to push forth their agenda. Adolf Hitler, captured the hearts of a nation because of his ability to convince people. A smooth talker can get people to believe a lie. We have a lot of smooth talkers in our pulpits today. Could it be that the motivational speakers in the pulpit are doing more to prepare people to receive the antichrist than this world is?


It was in March of 1997 when I rode down to Beaumont, Texas, with some minister friends of mine to attend a minister’s conference. I was not in the ministry yet, but I was willing to be challenged by some good preaching. The preacher that was holding the conference was named B.H. Clendennen. The first meeting started on a Tuesday evening, March 25. The meetings were to end after the Friday 10am meeting. Brother Clendennen preached Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. The messages were good but nothing that really gripped me yet. When he preached again Wednesday night he said a phrase something like, “we are to demonstrate that Christ is alive.” That statement isn’t what you would consider to be a very profound statement, however, when he said it, I was devastated. I immediately began to repent to the Lord for not understanding what it means to be a Christian. For the rest of my time there at the conference my heart remained very repentive. I experienced a powerful revival that day that so affected me I never recovered. Here I am 16 years later still impacted by one message preached by one Spirit filled man of God. God made that message real, God revealed Christ to me through a man of God. There was nothing the church ever offered me that so dramatically changed my life as a Spirit filled servant of God speaking a message for God. From that day forward, I couldn’t help but see all the efforts of men to scheme clever programs, offer enticing attractions and market the church, to be nothing but foolishness. Even worse, leaving the lost unaffected. I suppose if a pastor is just looking to fill pews many of these things will work. In fact here is one trick you can try. Just walk around the neighborhood where your church is located and give people a free raffle ticket. Tell them if they come to church Sunday you will draw one ticket (visitors only), and the winner will win $500.00. You could probably fill every seat or pew. I hate even suggesting this because someone might say, hey, that’s a good idea, let’s try that this week. I must say, any minister that compromises to get people in His church and then thinks he is going to preach them saved is fooling himself. I know some will give me testimonies of people that came to the Lord through the productions and entertainment that the church offers. I just wonder, do they really get saved, or do they just agree to commit to some watered down, world friendly Christianity? Spirit filled preachers will never compromise for numbers. A preacher that isn’t Spirit filled will not be able to speak for God. If he can’t speak for God then he might as well remain silent. Jesus commanded His disciples to tarry until they received power from on high. When that power fell, Peter stepped forth with a message for God to the people. He spoke it, 3000 heard God speak and were cut to the heart. Spirit filled saints, speaking for God is what God ordained to save souls and strengthen the church.

The Power of Preaching

By | Articles

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”  (Rom 1:16)

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”  (1Co 1:18)

“For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.”  (1Co 1:21)


Several years ago, while I was still running my construction business, I had to go collect from one of my customers. It was a Friday evening so my wife decided to come along with me and afterwards we would go get a bite to eat. When I got to my customer’s house I found out she wasn’t home, so we thought we would kill a little time and go visit the shops that were in town a few blocks away. We happened to walk into a joke shop and my wife heard a man that was behind the counter playing a hymn on the mandolin. We asked him if he was a Christian and he acknowledged he was. He then pointed to some brochures that he had on the counter. They were brochures for his ministry, which was visiting churches and doing magic shows for the kids. He would use that as a means to share about Jesus. I am not bringing this up to judge the man, but I will say I would not invite a magician to perform at my church. Anyway, the man told me that quite often when he goes to a church to perform his magic show, the adults that are in the room as well as some that may be watching from the hall will come up to him afterwards and tell him they got more out of his magic show then they did from the sermon the pastor preached. Something happened to me right at the moment he told me that. I would normally get mad and say something in my heart like, “Why are you even bringing that magic show into the church?” but then I realized, the problem isn’t the magic show; the problem is that the preacher couldn’t out preach the magic show. Saints of God, the lack of powerful preaching is an epidemic in some of our churches today. I even heard one pastor say that preaching just doesn’t work anymore. Maybe talking or orating doesn’t work because God never ordained just talking, He ordained men full of the Holy Ghost to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to be the chief means to reach the lost and strengthen the saints. I have heard it said and I am sure you have to, that the message never changes just the method. I use to nod my head in half hearted agreement with that, but today I boldly tell you that neither the message nor the method has changed. If you don’t think preaching the gospel is relevant to our sophisticated generation then consider this; “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”  (Mat 24:14). Did you see that, the gospel is going to be preached right up to the very last of the last days? By another verse we can see that preaching will go on even during the tribulation period; “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,” (Rev 14:6). By the way, skits, entertainment, songs and such are not what is considered preaching. To preach means to announce the good news, but scripture teaches us that it is more than just announcing, it is demonstrating and manifesting Christ through preaching. Real Holy Ghost anointed preaching reveals Christ to the listener. This kind of preaching can only be accomplished through Spirit filled believers. I am not just talking about pulpit preaching, I am talking about anytime anyone of us shares with the lost.


Before Jesus ever started His earthly ministry He was filled with the Spirit. It was said about Jesus, “The officers answered, Never man spake like this man.” (Joh 7:46). Jesus spoke like He did because He was endued with power from on high. This same power is promised to every believer that will ask our heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit. We don’t need another invention or gimmick. We don’t need to put on some spectacular show to try to attract and win the lost. The preaching of the gospel is the answer and you can take that with you wherever you go. All that was prescribed to Ezekiel to raise up those very dry bones was to prophesy, which means to speak under inspiration; that is Holy Ghost inspiration. Peter, filled with the Spirit, preached less than a three minute sermon on the day of Pentecost and it cut the heart of 3000 men and made them desperate. Stephen preached a short synopsis from Abraham to Solomon and then identified it with his present age and the crowd couldn’t handle it and stoned him. However, it didn’t end there, Saul, who later became Paul, heard that message. After he was converted he went armed with the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and through much opposition, brought thousands to the Lord. At the closing years of Paul’s life, he did not discover a more effective way to win others to Christ. The last verse of the book of Acts tells us he was, “Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.” (Act 28:31). Our generation needs you saint of God, to be filled with the Spirit and rise up and preach the gospel. There still is power in the gospel of Jesus Christ when it is preached by Spirit filled saints.