

Our Place and Nation

By | Eyesalve

If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.” John 11:48


We have far too many ministers and Christians who are afraid to speak up for morality in this nation. We must be grateful for those who the Lord has raised up to be a prophetic voice to this nation. We need prophets like John the Baptist, who will speak to those in authority and tell them what they are doing isn’t right before God. Let me go in the other direction by asking you, are you more of a patriot than you are a Christian? Does your Christianity hinge on the continual existence of America maintaining her constitutional rights? If it would come to it that some other power would come and “take away both our place and our nation,” would you still maintain your walk with the Lord? I want to remind you all, we believers belong to a different kingdom. There is no other like it. It is the kingdom of God. That is the kingdom we must promote.

Eyesalve: Be a Fellow Helper

By | Eyesalve

We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth.” III John 1:8


One of the main reasons for division in the church today is that you have those who promote truth and those who do not. It isn’t that those who don’t promote truth are actually aware of it, for often they don’t realize what they are doing. Anytime there is even a slight rejection of the whole truth of God, then division is happening between them and those who are totally surrendered to truth. Will you be a fellow helper of the truth?