

What is the Anointing

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“Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God;” II Corinthians 1:21

I would have to say that one of the more misunderstood and misrepresented topics in the Bible is that of the anointing of the Spirit of God. Some Christians don’t really know what the anointing is and how to have it. Others have been introduced to a counterfeit anointing, or even an anointing of the demonic kind which has caused fear and doubt in a segment of the body of Christ. Though I can’t give you a brief concise answer on what the anointing is, I do understand some things about the anointing I can share with you. I have experienced the anointing of God through the years. I can tell you, it is real and God still anoints His people.

The first thing we must understand about the anointing is that we cannot be effective for the Kingdom of God without it. Far too often I have taken the anointing for granted, and because of that I have lacked it and have been far too ineffective. The church today seems to have little effect here in America. This testifies to her lack of anointing. God’s ingredient to reach a fallen world is still the same as He ordained back when the church was birthed. It is the combination of Spirit filled believers preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

We desperately need the anointing of the Spirit in our generation. We have had our fill of men’s techniques, talents and tricks to try to introduce a society, which is deceived by sin and loves sin, to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Have you ever considered the story we preach? It is a story that says, a God, who created all there is, came in human form to die for those that hated and rejected Him. That is an irrational, illogical message that cannot be believed or understood by pure human reasoning and intellect. We, who have been commissioned to preach such a message, need help of the supernatural kind. That help comes in the form of the anointing.

Too often, men’s abilities and achievements are mistaken for God’s anointing. Therefore, many Christians think they are anointed because they have graduated Bible College, or have great natural abilities and talents. Our generation has forgotten that the anointing is something that comes from God and is given to all that ask for it. The anointing comes with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. Jesus said, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” (Luke 11:13). The anointing is not something someone can receive apart from the Holy Spirit. The anointing is in the person of the Holy Spirit. If He is not present, the anointing is not available. If the Holy Spirit is downplayed, so will be the anointing. Paul preached, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” but he never did it without a “demonstration of Spirit and power.” The anointing doesn’t make us smarter or more talented, it makes what we say and do more powerful.

Some Christians, flat out, don’t believe there really is an anointing of supernatural proportions. Though they cannot deny the power and authority that was given to the early church, they have somehow concocted a reasonable argument why our generation is not privileged to demonstrate such power. All I can say is, well thought out arguments on why the anointing that the early church had is not for our day does not rebuke doubt, it caters to it. When unbelief rises up in us, we need to ask God to help our unbelief, not come up with a teaching to support our unbelief.

Another thing that has happened to us Christians here in America is we have grown so accustomed to being a self-sufficient people, that we think we really don’t need any help. We have our workshops, seminars, and oodles of books, along with plenty of money to accomplish anything we want for God, so we think. That self-dependency has also resulted in some Christians becoming skeptics of our God’s supernatural power. They conclude that since some things are being accomplished for the kingdom of God through the efforts of the flesh, then that is all that should really be expected. They then go on to be satisfied with a church that has lost her supernatural effect that has very little impact on society.

Salvation is not just a person changing their mind, salvation is a genuine miracle. It makes a saint out of a sinner in an instant. It makes a person a brand new creature. No workshop or book or clever presentation can accomplish a miracle. Only a supernatural God can bring forth such increase. When Christians get back to depending on God, then the anointing will be there to accomplish supernatural conversions.

Then we have those that have turned the anointing into fanaticism. They make the anointing out to be something it isn’t. The false signs and wonders they do, they say are from God, and that they do them by the anointing of God. Therefore, many Christians have grown so fearful about the anointing that they would just as soon avoid the whole topic. That is exactly what the devil wants. You can be sure if there is the fake, there is the real. Don’t let the false talk you out of the real. The Christian that is anointed is who the devil fears the most.

If you have that anointing, it is important to remain devoted to God and not be overcome by sin if you are going to remain anointed. Sin and disobedience to God rob us of God’s anointing. His anointing is something that must be maintained on a daily basis by seeking after God. Careless carnal living promotes the carnal life, not spiritual life

Some Christians may think that someone has the anointing only when the results of their preaching is positive. I know at one time I thought that when I say something, and it is rejected by men, I was therefore lacking the anointing. However, there was no one with as great of an anointing as Jesus Christ, yet many rejected Him, even after great displays of power. Jesus ministered to thousands, yet after His resurrection there was only 120 in the upper room. Jesus never once lacked the anointing. Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach…” (Luke 4:18). This Spirit filled anointed Jesus pierced the hearts of all who heard Him with the two edged sword of truth. He never let up, even when attempts were made to kill Him. It might be that many of us really don’t want this anointing after all.

Finally, the anointing is like any other attribute, quality and fruit of God; it must grow in us. It is not one dose and you’re ready to go. You may be ready to go for that moment, but as I said earlier, the anointing must be maintained and allowed to grow in the true man and woman of God. I have found myself getting comfortable in the pulpit to such a point that I didn’t realize I had developed confidence in myself. This can happen to any preacher; so preacher, be on guard. I know the saints in my church aren’t coming to hear what I have to say, they are coming to hear “thus saith the Lord.” Without the anointing it is “thus saith” Terry Fischer.